Friday, June 25, 2021

Have a Wonderful Summer!

Hello for the last time Room 8 team!

What an amazing year we had. I had such a wonderful time working with everyone both online and in person. Everyone has worked so hard, you should all be very proud of yourselves. I know everyone will do amazing things in Grade 4 and beyond. You are all so special, I will never forget you. Stay safe, healthy and have a wonderful summer holiday. 

I will miss you all!

Miss. Shevchuk

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Friday, June 18, 2021

June 18, 2021 - Learning Update

Hello, Room 8 Team!

Next week is our last week of school. I cannot believe it. Below is our learning update for the week. 

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we worked on writing different types of poems. We looked at acrostic poems, bio poems, and free verse poems. 

Math - This week in Math, we learned all about mass and the different units that we use to measure mass. 

- This week in Science, we learned about how some animals hear differently than humans. 

Social Studies - This week we looked at natural disasters and environmental issues. We took a look at how they can affect people around the world and how that would make us feel. 

Remember that every day next week is CASUAL day! Also, please try and remember to bring a reusable bag to school every day in case we start to send things home that don't fit in backpacks. 

Have an awesome weekend. Don't forget to wash your hands!

Miss. Shevchuk

shop local

Saturday, June 12, 2021

June 11, 2021 - Learning Update

 Hello, Room 8 Team!

One more week down, only two more to go. I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. Below is our learning update for the week! Remember, there is no homework this week. 

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we worked on publishing our stories. 

Math - This week in Math, we finished up talking about perimeter and started to discuss 3-D shapes. We learned about faces, edges and vertices. 

- This week in Science, we discussed dangerous sounds and things that can damage our ears. 

Social Studies - This week we looked at different government and non-government organizations that help people around the world. We created presentations and shared them with the class. 

This Monday is our last formal uniform day. Please come in your uniforms so we can earn another loop to get us closer to winning the end-of-the-year prize! Also do not forget to continue to bring a rain jacket to school over the next two weeks. As we all know, the weather in Calgary is unpredictable and I would hate for anyone to be unprepared when we have to go outside for our recess breaks.

Have an awesome weekend. Don't forget to wash your hands!

Miss. Shevchuk

riding a smiling star

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Homework for the Week of June 6 - 11, 2021 - due on Friday, June 11


This is our last week for homework!!! Homework will be due in class on Friday. We will also have our final spelling test on Friday as well with only one list for everyone to use. 

Spelling Tasks: We can recognize and spell words that we have learned about this year. 

  1. Read your spelling word list and make sure you understand the meaning of each word.  

  2. Complete 2 of the following activities.

Literacy Tasks: We can read silently with increasing confidence and accuracy. 
  1. 20 minutes of reading is expected to be completed every night. 
Math Tasks: We can use tools around us to measure the perimeter of different shapes around our house. 
  1. Remember perimeter is when you measure all of the sides and add them all together. Determine the perimeter of the following shapes:

  2. Find 3 different shapes around your house and measure their perimeter. 
Please let me know if you have any questions. I will see everyone on Monday in their formal uniforms!

Miss. Shevchuk

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Friday, June 4, 2021

June 4, 2021 - Learning Update

 Hello, Room 8 Team!

Sports Day was such a fun way to end our week. We had an action-packed short week and are looking forward to our first full 5-day week next week. Below is our learning update. 

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we finished up our stories. We created detailed beginnings, middles and endings for our stories. Next week, we will create published versions of our stories by typing them up on the computers. 

Math - This week in Math, we wrapped up our measuring section and transitioned to learning about perimeter. 

- This week in Science we looked at how sound travels through the gases, liquids and solids. We also began looking at hearing damage and ways we can protect our ears. 

Social Studies - This week we looked at rights and responsibilities. We also took some time to learn about residential schools. 

Monday is a formal uniform day. Please come in your uniforms so we can earn another loop to get us closer to winning the end-of-the-year prize! Have an awesome weekend. Don't forget to wash your hands!

Miss. Shevchuk

hitting a ball with a cricket bat

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Homework for the Week of May 30 - June 4, 2021 - due on Friday, June 4, 202


This week is only a 4 day week, again, with a Professional Development day on Monday. Homework will be due in class on Friday. We will also have our spelling test on Friday as well. 

Some reminders for this week: Tuesday - Thursday this week students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt in light of the events that happened over the weekend in Kamloops. They will still be asked to wear their regular uniform bottoms. Friday this week is a casual day because we are having our Sports Day! Room 8 is going to be Team Black for Sports Day so please try and find any black clothing you may have at home to wear for Friday.

Spelling Tasks: We can recognize and spell homonyms (words that sound the same but have different meanings). 

  1. Read your spelling word list and make sure you understand the meaning of each word.  

  2. Complete 2 of the following activities. As a challenge, I would like you to try and choose two activities that are next to each other. Either one above and the other below, or one on the left and one on the right. 

  3. Use all 12 of your spelling words, and write a sentence for each word. Put a circle around the spelling word in the sentence. Try to challenge yourself and see if you can use two words in one sentence. 
Literacy Tasks: We can read silently with increasing confidence and accuracy. 
  1. 20 minutes of reading is expected to be completed every night. 
Math Tasks: We can use tools around us to measure or estimate the length, width and height of objects in our homes. 
  1. Make a chart similar to the one below. Find 5 items in your house that you would like to measure. Write down the items in the first column, in the second column write down your estimate for how long, tall or wide the object will be, in the third column I would like you to actually measure the item and record the number. Remember to include your units. I have done 1 example for you.

  2. Use the actual measurements of the items you measured in part 1 and put them in order from largest to smallest. 

  3. I would like you to brainstorm some situations in real life where you would need to measure things. Try and come up with at least 3. 
Please let me know if you have any questions. I will see everyone on Tuesday!

Miss. Shevchuk

butterfly catch

Friday, May 28, 2021

May 28, 2021 - Learning Update

Hello, Room 8 Team!

I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are very glad to be back together in class. We had a busy week in the classroom. Below is our learning update for the week. 

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we began writing a new story. We have so far focused on planning our story and on creating an exciting beginning. 

Math - This week in Math, we began looking at measuring things using centimetres and meters. We practiced using both rulers and meter sticks. We also practiced estimating how to measure these units. 

- This week in Science we looked at how our eardrum works. We also took a look at how well sound travels through the air. 

Social Studies - This week we looked at what it means to be a global citizen and a Canadian citizen. We also took a look at the Covid-19 vaccine and the impact it is having on our global community. 

Some reminders for next week: Tuesday - Thursday this week students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt in light of the events that happened over the weekend in Kamloops. They will still be asked to wear their regular uniform bottoms. Friday this week is a casual day because we are having our Sports Day! Room 8 is going to be Team Black for Sports Day so please try and find any black clothing you may have at home to wear for Friday.

Have a wonderful 3-day weekend. I look forward to seeing everybody back here in June, on Tuesday! Stay safe and wash your hands.  

Miss. Shevchuk

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