Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Grown Up Information Update - Sent on September 29, 2020

 Hello Team!

Last night, Andrea Taylor our school principal sent home an email to all student's grown-ups in our contact system. I am reposting the email here for your reference. 

Dear Parents,

Please take a moment to read the attached letter for details regarding a positive covid case that has occured at Le Roi Daniels.  Please be aware that students and staff who are directly impacted have already been contacted.  

We are continuing to operate the school in a normal fashion moving forward and appreciate your understanding and support through this situation.

As we venture into another level of Covid, I want to ask that you please continue to practice confidentialtiy and professionalism with each other, our staff and your children.  We are thankful for your continued communication regarding ill students, covid results and absences.   In the event that your child should test POSITIVE, please only contact myself  - Andrea Taylor  or Nicole Hoye with those results as we want to maintain the highest level of confidenitality.  Your child's privacy is our priority.

Please email us at  or

We thank you for your support and understanding,


Andrea Taylor - Principal

That being said, if you choose to keep your child home, and they are not sick or isolating, we are not going to be sending home homework for them to catch up on. This information has come directly from Andrea. 

Let me know if you have any questions.


Miss. Shevchuk

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Homework for the Week of September 27th, 2020 - due on Friday, October 2nd, 2020

 Happy Sunday Everybody! 

I would like to let everybody know that school pictures will be taken on Monday, September 28. Please wear formal uniforms for this occasion. This week it is Orange Shirt Day, on Wednesday, September 30. Students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt for this day with their navy pants/shorts/skirt or under their tartan dress.  It is NOT a casual day but rather just an opportunity to wear orange with our uniform.

This week our homework is going to be due on Friday, October 2. This will also be the day of our second spelling test. The words can be found below:

Spelling Tasks:

  1. Read your spelling word list and make sure you understand the meaning of each word.

  2. Write out each of your words once using a pencil, once using a pencil crayon, and once using a marker. Each word should be written 3 times altogether. 

  3. Choose 8 of your spelling words, and write a sentence for each word. Put a circle around the spelling word in the sentence. 
Reading Task:

10 minutes of reading is expected to be completed every night. 

Math Tasks: 

  1. On Monday (tomorrow), I will be giving your students their Mathletics login usernames and passwords. For math homework, I would like them to familiarize themselves with Mathletics and complete some of the activities that I have assigned to them. 

  2. I would like the students to write 3 of their own increasing patterns into their notebook, and I would like them to write a sentence that explains the rule. 

    For example, if my pattern is

                       X                      XX                  XXX                 XXXX

    Then the sentence that I would write for my rule would say: You add one X to the pattern in every step. 
         They have completed a similar task in class so they should know what to do. 

Science Tasks (Optional):

  1. Last week we had been working on creating animal "trading cards" to help us learn what groups to classify different living things into. Students may be bringing home their trading cards to complete this week. For this, they will need to finish up the pictures on the back of their cards. The pictures are expected to be fully coloured to the best of their ability. These can be turned in, whenever they are completed in the Ziploc baggie that they were sent home in.  

As per usual, please let me know if you have any questions, and have a wonderful week!!

Miss. Shevchuk

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Homework for the Week of September 20th, 2020 - due on Thursday, September 24

 Hello Everybody!

I would like to first make a note that this week, homework will be due on Thursday, September 24 because of the PD day on Friday, September 25. 

We are going to begin having spelling tests this week. Our first test will be held on Thursday, September 24. The words are posted below for each group. Your student's colour will be written on their folder. 

Spelling Tasks:

1. Read your spelling word list and make sure you understand the meaning of each word

2. Write your spelling words in your homework book 2 times – perfect printing!

3. Pick 5 of your spelling words and write a sentence for each word. Put a circle around the spelling word in each sentence.


10 minutes of reading is expected to be completed every night. 

Math Tasks:

1. Find 3 repeating patterns around your house and copy them into your notebook. These could include: patterns on bedding, blankets, rugs, etc. See the example below:

2. Complete the pattern activity below by copying it into your notebook, and then completing the pattern.

3. Create 3 of your own repeating or growing patterns in your notebook. Repeating patterns contain a CORE that repeats forever, while growing patterns increase with every step. You can use shapes, numbers, colours, or anything else you can think of. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know via email. Thank you!

Miss. Shevchuk

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Weekly Homework Update!

 Hello Everybody!

I wanted to take this opportunity to create a post about the weekly homework activities so everybody has a bit of notice before I make my first posting. Weekly homework assignments will be posted every SUNDAY and are to be handed in the following FRIDAY. In addition, students are required to read for at least 10 minutes each night.

The homework assigned will be based on the learning that is happening in the classroom and/or a review of concepts we have already covered.

Some of the homework will be colour-coded. Your child will know what section they are to complete based on their assigned colour-coded group.

Homework is to be completed in the homework book. Homework books will go home on MONDAY and are to be returned the following FRIDAY. These are the blue books in your student's yellow protective folder. 

Parents: Please review and make sure your child's homework is completed and help your child with any necessary corrections. Once you have confirmed it is complete and correct, please initial each page. If there are any loose pages, staple or glue these pages into the homework book so they don’t get lost. 


If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to let me know!

Thank you!

Miss. Shevchuk

Monday, September 14, 2020

New Bus Passes for the 2020-2021 School Year

 Hello Everybody! 

If your student is in need of a new bus pass for this school year, the steps are as follows:

You will need to request one through their My CBE/Powerschool Account. 

Once you have signed in, click Fees & Registration -> Transportation Forms -> Z Pass Request Form. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Thank you!

Miss. Shevchuk

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Parent Information Night

 I have updated Mrs. Ernst's original Parent Information Night presentation and I have attached it below. 

Thank you!

Welcome to Grade 3!


Hello Everybody!

My name is Maddy Shevchuk. I have been chosen to teach Grade 3 in Room 8 at Le Roi Daniels this year. I am very eager and excited to work with your amazing children. 

I am going to try my best to learn the school, as well as all of our different technology platforms as best as I can so we can have a successful year. The best way to get ahold of me would be by email at I will try my best to be answering emails within 24 hours of receiving them, during business hours. 

I welcome feedback and any questions or comments you may have for me. I will try my best to update this website as often as I am able. 

Thank you!

Miss. Shevchuk