Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Grown Up Information Update - Sent on September 29, 2020

 Hello Team!

Last night, Andrea Taylor our school principal sent home an email to all student's grown-ups in our contact system. I am reposting the email here for your reference. 

Dear Parents,

Please take a moment to read the attached letter for details regarding a positive covid case that has occured at Le Roi Daniels.  Please be aware that students and staff who are directly impacted have already been contacted.  

We are continuing to operate the school in a normal fashion moving forward and appreciate your understanding and support through this situation.

As we venture into another level of Covid, I want to ask that you please continue to practice confidentialtiy and professionalism with each other, our staff and your children.  We are thankful for your continued communication regarding ill students, covid results and absences.   In the event that your child should test POSITIVE, please only contact myself  - Andrea Taylor  or Nicole Hoye with those results as we want to maintain the highest level of confidenitality.  Your child's privacy is our priority.

Please email us at  or

We thank you for your support and understanding,


Andrea Taylor - Principal

That being said, if you choose to keep your child home, and they are not sick or isolating, we are not going to be sending home homework for them to catch up on. This information has come directly from Andrea. 

Let me know if you have any questions.


Miss. Shevchuk

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