Friday, December 11, 2020

December 11 - Learning Update

Happy Friday!

We had a fabulous week in Room 8. Here is our classroom learning update for the week!

Language Arts - This week in language arts we are continuing to learn about letter writing.

Math - We have tackled several different subtraction and addition strategies and continued to practice them this week. 

Science - This week we continued with our Rocks and Minerals unit. We focused on identifying different materials that makeup rocks. We also looked into researching the three different types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. 

Social Studies - This week we began our unit titled Working Together. The unit focuses on the government structures in Peru, Tunisia, Ukraine and India.    

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices.

Some reminders for next week include: remembering to order fun lunch by December 12, which is tomorrow. You can order this on the Healthy Hunger website. Our next fun lunch is on December 17 (Thursday). All school library books are going to be collected on December 15 (Tuesday) so if you have any extra books from the school at your house, please remember to bring them back to school this week. Next week is spirit week. The schedule is as follows:

Monday - Formal Fancy Attire - If your student does not have formal or fancy clothing to wear then they will be asked to wear their formal uniform this day. 

Tuesday - Holiday Hats - the rest of their outfit can consist of casual clothing.

Wednesday - Bright Colours - dress as brightly as you can, we are hoping to look bright and colourful like holiday lights. 

Thursday - PJ day and Fun Lunch - come dressed in your comfy and cozy pyjamas. 

Friday - Holiday Sweaters - if you do not have a holiday sweater, feel free to wear a regular sweater or just casual clothing. 

That is all for today! I am looking forward to a fun final week before winter break! 

Miss. Shevchuk

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