Thursday, January 28, 2021

January 28 - Learning Update

 Hello Team,

We managed to accomplish quite a bit this week even though it was a short week. We were sad to say goodbye to a few of our fellow team members, but we know they will be amazing next door in Room 7. 

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we completed our procedural snowperson writing and drawing. We will continue with procedural writing for the next few weeks. 

Math - This week in Math, we worked on sorting numbers. We are very excited to start multiplication next week! 

Science - This week we wrapped up our Rocks and Minerals unit. We created a final project for the unit and some students presented theirs this week. Others will present next week and then we will begin our unit on Building Things and Testing Materials. 

Social Studies - This week we discussed what the terms homelessness and shelter mean to different people. We are excited about our presentation from the Mustard Seed, which will happen on Monday afternoon next week.   

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices.

Remember to wear your formal uniform on Monday next week. I am confident that we will be able to earn a loop on our school display for our class. Next week is a full 5-day week. Remember to see my last post in regards to Valentine's Day if you would like to participate in that. 

Have a wonderful 3-day weekend! Stay safe and healthy team!

Miss. Shevchuk

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