Thursday, January 7, 2021

Online Learning Plan for Friday, January 8, 2021


We made it to the end of the week! Our learning plan for tomorrow looks a little bit different as it is a half-day, like normal. Note the altered times for our math lesson Google Meet. The class has also voted to do a spirit day. Our theme will be: CRAZY HAIR DAY AND WEAR BRIGHT COLOURS!!! If you have not completed the show and tell yet, tomorrow is your day so please be prepared to share something with the class if you would like. 

Literacy Lesson for Friday, January 8, at 8:00 am on Google Meets:

 ✏️Literacy Lesson for Thursday  from 8:00-9:30 on Google Meets



  • I can follow along with a story

  • I can identify and write about the things that make me unique and special

  • I can contribute to a discussion about the importance of being PROUD of my uniqueness


πŸ—“ Thursday, January 7 we are going to be reading a story called You be You.  We are going to talk about all the things that make you special and unique. Please have your homework book, pencil and pencil crayons or any other supplies you may want ready.


✅ Checklist




I can follow along with the story



I can wait my turn and participate in a discussion about my traits and what makes me unique



I can make a web and write about my traits, if I am stuck for ideas



I can create an I AM design to display all my traits




Examples of I AM designs you can create:


Math Lesson for Friday, January 8, at 10:00 am on Google Meets: 

✏️Math Lesson for Friday from 10:00 - 11:30 am on Google Meets


  • We will learn what “equal” means and will show what we have learned using numbers, equations and pictures.

πŸ—“On Friday, January 8, in math, we are going to be working on solving addition and subtraction word problems. Students will need their homework books, a pencil and an eraser. They may want to also bring some sort of object to use to help them count i.e. lego pieces, beads. 

✅ Checklist for my word problem:



I can show my understanding using pictures

I can show my understanding using a number sentence.

I can show my understanding using a word sentence. 

I can solve the problem more than one way. 

Talk to you tomorrow!

Miss. Shevchuk

Bitmoji Image

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