Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Online Learning Plan for Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Literacy Lesson for Wednesday, January 6, at 8:00 am on Google Meets:

✏️Literacy Lesson for Wednesday from 8:00-9:30 on Google Meets



  • I can identify words/phrases that help make sentences more interesting/descriptive.

  • I can rewrite sentences using my own descriptive ideas


🗓 Wednesday, January 6 we are going to be looking at descriptive writing and how we can make our writing more interesting and descriptive. Please have your homework book, pencil and pencil crayons ready.


✅ Checklist




I can read At the Park



I can identify the senses used in the writing piece



I can rewrite each sentences using my own triple scoop words



If I am done early I can add a picture



If I am done early, I can write about another place (setting)



I can share my writing with one family member or classmate




At the Park

        The morning sun shone on me as I entered Bowness Park. People are jogging and cycling. A group of people practising yoga and moving to some music. The wind was blowing on me as I strolled along the trail. Leaves rustled above me and a bird was chirping. The smell of dew made me feel relaxed and at peace.

Social Studies Lesson for Wednesday, January 6, at 10:00 am on Google Meets:

Social Lesson for Wednesday from 10:00 am -11:30 am on Google Meet.


🗓Today we are going to be looking at the traditional clothing and food of India. Please make sure that you have your homework notebook, a pencil and an eraser during the lesson. If you have traditional Indian clothing or food that you would like to bring to share with the class, please be prepared to do so during this Google Meet. I will be posting the reading pages to the blog in the morning. 



  • We can create visual images for a particular purpose.

  • We can demonstrate an awareness of and interest in the beliefs, traditions and customs of groups and communities other than my own.


✅ Checklist:




I can find and underline key words in the text.



I can provide answers based on my reading



Math Lesson for Wednesday, January 6, at 12:30 pm on Google Meets: 

✏️Math Lesson for Wednesday from 12:30 pm -2:00 pm on Google Meets


  • We can efficiently solve addition and subtraction word problems. 

🗓On Wednesday, January 6, in math, we are going to be working on solving addition and subtraction word problems. Students will need their homework books, a pencil and an eraser. They may want to also bring some sort of object to use to help them count i.e. lego pieces, beads. 

✅ Checklist for my word problem:



I can show my understanding using pictures

I can show my understanding using a number sentence.

I can show my understanding using a word sentence. 

I can solve the problem more than one way. 

I look forward to our Wednesday learning! Remember to email me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Miss. Shevchuk

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