Sunday, February 28, 2021

Homework for the Week of February 28, 2021 - March 5, 2021 - due on March 5, 2021


This week our homework will be due on Friday, March 5! Remember, if you finish it before then, feel free to hand it in early.    

Spelling Tasks: We can recognize and spell words with gh, ph and f spelling patterns. 

Friday, March 5 will be the day of our next spelling test. The words can be found below.

  1. Read your spelling word list and make sure you understand the meaning of each word.

  2. Sort your spelling words into the 3 categories: gh, ph and f. Some words may land in more than one category. An example can be seen below, using the first three words from the red list:
    gh.              ph                    f 

                                                                           phone             flavour

  3. Write all of your words out 3 different times in your neatest printing. 

  4. Choose 10 of your spelling words, and write a sentence for each word. Put a circle around the spelling word in the sentence. Try to challenge yourself and see if you can use two words in one sentence. 
Reading Tasks: We can read silently with increasing confidence and accuracy. 
  1. 20 minutes of reading is expected to be completed every night. 
Math Tasks: We can demonstrate an understanding of division.
  1. Choose 10 of the following problems to solve (there is 15 altogether). Use the strategies we have learned in class. I do not want you to just write the answer. There is a picture of the strategies below the questions. 

    10 ÷ 5 = _____

    12 ÷ 3 = _____

    15 ÷ 3 = _____

    20 ÷ 4 = _____

    9 ÷ 3 = ______

    6 ÷ 2 = ______

    4 ÷ 1 = ______

    6 ÷ 6 = ______

    30 ÷ 6 = _____

    24 ÷ 4 = ______

    20 ÷ 5 = ______

    10 ÷ 2 = ______

    6 ÷ 3 = _______

    2 ÷ 1 = ______

    5 ÷ 5 = _____

  2. Explain which of the above equations you found the easiest to solve? Why? Which did you find the hardest to solve? Why?

  3. Which strategies are your favourite? Why?
Science Task: We can research different structural forms and sketch detailed pictures of them. 

  1. This week for science I would like you to choose one of the following structural forms to research. You will be looking up images of your chosen form and I would like you to then sketch 3 different images into your homework notebook. If you would like, you can label your sketches as well. 

    You can choose from: Beams, Arches, or Pillars. (You can do one sketch of each if you would like too). 
Please let me know if you have any questions, and have a wonderful week!

Miss. Shevchuk


Friday, February 26, 2021

February 26, 2021 - Learning Update

 Hello Team,

We had another amazing week here in Room 8. Here is our learning update for the week.   

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we began our final instructional writing piece. We are writing about how we get ready for school in the morning. 

Math - This week in Math, we wrapped up our multiplication unit (we will be revisiting this throughout the rest of the year) and we started our division unit. We had a discussion about having a positive mindset when trying new things so they do not seem as scary. We are all a lot less scared of division now. 

Science - This week in Science we continued with our Building and Testing Materials unit. We completed several experiments to test different types of beams to find out which would be the strongest. 

Social Studies - This week we continued to look at the concepts of goods, services, resources, technology, imports and exports.   

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices. This week we talked about safe behaviours we can follow when we are in unsafe situations. We also discussed things we can do instead of bullying such as spread kindness or give compliments to others.  

I cannot believe that it will be March next week. Time flies when you are having fun. Have a wonderful weekend. I will see everyone in their lovely formal uniforms on Monday! We are going to start doing random uniform checks this week so make sure that you are always coming to school with the proper uniform on. This is also a reminder to order your fun lunch here because the orders are due on March 6, 2021!

Miss. Shevchuk


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Pink Shirt Update and Reminder!

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to repost the email that was sent out this morning in regard to Pink Shirt Day tomorrow. 

Dear Parents,

We will be having a special celebration tomorrow, Feb 24, 2021, to honour Pink Shirt day, which promotes friendship, inclusion and anti-bullying. Students are encouraged to wear something pink (shirt, pants, dress…) to unite us as a school for the day.

If your child does not have something pink to wear they must be in uniform!

Thank you so much for helping us unite for friendship and kindness at Le Roi Daniels.


Andrea Taylor - Principal

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Miss. Shevchuk

strawberry milk

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Homework for the Week of February 21 - 26, 2021 - due on Friday, February 26, 2021


This week our homework will be due on Friday, February 26. Wednesday this week is a casual day as it is Pink Shirt Day.    

Spelling Tasks: We can recognize and spell words with spr, shr, squ, scr, spl, and thr spelling patterns. 

Friday, February 26 will be the day of our next spelling test. The words can be found below.

  1. Read your spelling word list and make sure you understand the meaning of each word.

  2. Write each word forward 2 times, and backward once. Here is an example:

    spray        spray       yarps

  3. Choose 10 of your spelling words, and write a sentence for each word. Put a circle around the spelling word in the sentence. Try to challenge yourself and see if you can use two words in one sentence. 
Reading Tasks: We can read silently with increasing confidence and accuracy. 
  1. 20 minutes of reading is expected to be completed every night. 

  2. For the final week of Black History Month we are going to complete a reading response. Listen to the story about Jackie Robinson at the following link: . Write a 3-2-1 response to the story, the template can be found below. list 3 things that you learned, 2 things that you found interesting, and 1 question you still have after listening to the story. 

    3 Things I Learned:
    2 Things I Found Interesting:
    1 Question I Still Have:
Math Tasks: We can demonstrate an understanding of multiplication to 5 × 5.
  1. Choose 10 of the following problems to solve (there is 15 altogether). Use the strategies we have learned in class. I do not want you to just write the answer.  

  2. Solve the following word problems. Remember to use pictures, a word sentence and a number sentence. These problems have some extra information in them that is not important. Remember to ignore the information that is not important to answer the question. 

    Miss. Shevchuk ate 2 pieces of pizza on Friday. She ate 2 pieces of pizza on Saturday. She ate 3 pieces of candy on Sunday. How many pieces of pizza did she eat altogether?


    Mr. McVea read 6 fantasy books on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Friday he read 2 mystery books. How many fantasy books did he read altogether? 


    Mrs. Hawkins spends 8 hours at school everyday during the school week (Monday - Friday). Mrs. Hawkins also spends 1 hour every day practicing her piano playing during the school week (Monday - Friday). How many hours does she practice her piano playing atlogether? 

Please let me know if you have any questions, and have a wonderful week!

Miss. Shevchuk

 Bitmoji Image

Friday, February 19, 2021

February 19, 2021 - Learning Update

Hello Team,

We had another amazing week here in Room 8. Here is our learning update for the week.   

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we looked at story plot mountains and worked on identifying the different parts of a story. We will continue to practice this over the coming weeks.  

Math - This week in Math, we continued to practice our multiplication skills. We had fun playing some multiplication games to help improve our fact knowledge and efficiency. 

Science - This week in Science we continued with our Building and Testing Materials unit. We found out what the engineering design process was and we created engineering company names and logos for our Science groups. 

Social Studies - This week we began discussing the concepts of goods, services, resources, technology, imports and exports. We will continue to look at these in relation to the 4 countries we are studying this year.    

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices. This week we talked about rules and why there are safety rules in place. 

Next week is a full 5-day week. It is our first regular length week so be ready for some wonderful learning. Please wear your formal uniform on Monday. Wednesday will be a casual day as it is Pink Shirt Day. Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss. Shevchuk

giant cookie 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

February 10 - Learning Update

Happy Wednesday Everyone,

What a fabulous Valentine's week full of some amazing learning. We managed to squeeze in quite a bit this week, despite it only being 3 days long. Here is our learning update for the week.  

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we created recipes for making friends. We discussed the personality traits that we look for in friends and how we can make friends with others. 

Math - This week in Math, we continued to practice our multiplication skills. We had fun playing some multiplication games to help improve our fact knowledge and efficiency. 

Science - This week in Science we continued with our Building and Testing Materials unit.  

Social Studies - This week we finished looking at the geography and environment of the 4 countries we are learning about this year. We wrapped up this mini-unit by brainstorming ideas to help others during times of environmental damage.    

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices.  

There is no school on Monday, February 15 as it is Family Day. That means next week will only be 4 days long, and there will be no formal uniform day. Remember to keep working through the homework that was assigned on Sunday, February 7 as it will be due this coming Friday, February 19.

Have a wonderful weekend, a Happy Valentine's Day and a Happy Family Day! Stay warm!

Miss. Shevchuk

Bitmoji Image

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Homework for the Weeks of February 7 - 19, 2021 - due on Friday, February 19, 2021

 Happy Sunday!

This week we have decided to let you work on your homework for two weeks. Having only. 2 days this week to complete your homework seemed a bit silly. Our homework is going to be due on Friday, February 19. There are more tasks to complete because we have more time to complete them.  

Spelling Tasks: We can recognize and spell words with ch and tch spelling patterns. 

Friday, February 19 will be the day of our next spelling test. The words can be found below:

  1. Read your spelling word list and make sure you understand the meaning of each word.

  2. Write your list of words in alphabetical order. Then, write the list in reverse alphabetical order (the opposite way you wrote the first list). You should have two word lists altogether. 

  3. Write out all of your words and decorate them to make them fancy. There are some examples below. 

  4. Choose 10 of your spelling words, and write a sentence for each word. Put a circle around the spelling word in the sentence. Try to challenge yourself and see if you can use two words in one sentence. 
Reading Tasks: We can read silently with increasing confidence and accuracy. 
  1. 20 minutes of reading is expected to be completed every night. 
Math Tasks: We can demonstrate an understanding of multiplication to 5 × 5.
  1. Using the strategies we learned in class, solve the following problems. A picture of the strategies is shown below. Please do not just write the answer, you must show your work. 

  2. Solve the following word problems. Remember to use pictures, a word sentence and a number sentence. 

    Miss. Shevchuk baked cookies for 2 hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. How many hours did she spend baking altogether?


    Mr. McVea read 4 books on Monday and 4 books on Tuesday. How many books did he read altogether? 


    Mrs. Hawkins spends 3 days every week fixing musical instruments. It took her 5 weeks to finish fixing all of her instruments. How many days did she work on fixing them altogether?

  3. I have updated the Mathletics activities, so if you are able to, please take some time to explore Mathletics. 

  4. If you have cards or dice at home you can show your family members some of the multiplication games that we have been learning. 
Science Tasks: We can research to find out what types of materials make up different structures and compare the results.  
  1. Choose 3 structures on the list below and research to find out what types of materials they are made of (wood, metal, etc.).  Hint: It may help you to search, "What materials is _____ made of?"
  • The Calgary Tower
  • The Saddledome
  • The Peace Bridge
  • The Eiffel Tower
  • The Colesium in Rome
  • The Golden Gate Bridge
  • The Statue of Liberty 
  • The Pyramids of Egypt
2. Compare the 3 structures you chose to research using the Venn Diagram below. This Venn Diagram has 3 circles so that there is one for each of the structures. Place anything that all three have in common in the very middle of the diagram. 

Please let me know if you have any questions, and have a wonderful week!

Miss. Shevchuk

Be my palentine 

Friday, February 5, 2021

February 5 - Learning Update

 Hello Team,

We had a wonderful full 5-day week here in Room 8. The next two weeks will be short weeks but I am sure we will still manage to squeeze in some fun with our learning. Thank you to everyone who brought their Valentine's cards this week. Any cards that are brought next week will, unfortunately, not be allowed to be passed out. Here is our learning update for the week. 

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we created Danish Valentine's for a friend in our class. Danish people write poems or riddles on snowflakes and give them to their Valentine secretly with their name signed in code. We completed a similar activity where we wrote poems describing what we like about our friends in our class. We exchanged the cards and had fun trying to figure out who wrote each poem. 

Math - This week in Math, we began the highly anticipated multiplication unit. We will continue working on this next week and then transition to division. 

Science - This week we began our Building and Testing Materials Unit in Science. We began by familiarizing ourselves with some terms and definitions we will need to know for this unit. Thank you to everyone who has sent in a bag of recyclable materials with their student. You are still able to send materials next week as well. 

Social Studies - This week we started to look at the geography and environment of the 4 countries we are learning about this year. We will wrap this mini-unit up next week.   

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices. This week we looked at what to do when somebody asks you to make an unhealthy choice. 

Remember to wear your formal uniform on Monday next week. Hopefully, we will be able to earn our class loop next week. Wednesday is also a special dress day where we get to wear clothing to celebrate the Lunar New Year, or Valentine's Day, whichever you would like. Next week is a short week, only 3 days long. The homework post this Sunday will be for the next two weeks as it would be silly to only give students 2 days to complete their homework tasks. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Please stay warm!

Miss. Shevchuk


Monday, February 1, 2021

Call for Recyclable Materials!

 Hello Everyone!

I am creating this post based on a discussion I had with the students in the class. I am asking, if you can, to bring in a small bag filled with recycled materials for us to use in class. You have this entire week and next week to bring it in. Please only bring a small bag and one bag per student maximum. Things you could bring in include:

  • newspaper
  • tinfoil
  • cardboard
  • egg cartons
  • paper towel or toilet paper tubes
  • any other things that you could use to build things. 
If you have any questions, please let me know. 


Miss. Shevchuk

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