Friday, February 26, 2021

February 26, 2021 - Learning Update

 Hello Team,

We had another amazing week here in Room 8. Here is our learning update for the week.   

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we began our final instructional writing piece. We are writing about how we get ready for school in the morning. 

Math - This week in Math, we wrapped up our multiplication unit (we will be revisiting this throughout the rest of the year) and we started our division unit. We had a discussion about having a positive mindset when trying new things so they do not seem as scary. We are all a lot less scared of division now. 

Science - This week in Science we continued with our Building and Testing Materials unit. We completed several experiments to test different types of beams to find out which would be the strongest. 

Social Studies - This week we continued to look at the concepts of goods, services, resources, technology, imports and exports.   

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices. This week we talked about safe behaviours we can follow when we are in unsafe situations. We also discussed things we can do instead of bullying such as spread kindness or give compliments to others.  

I cannot believe that it will be March next week. Time flies when you are having fun. Have a wonderful weekend. I will see everyone in their lovely formal uniforms on Monday! We are going to start doing random uniform checks this week so make sure that you are always coming to school with the proper uniform on. This is also a reminder to order your fun lunch here because the orders are due on March 6, 2021!

Miss. Shevchuk


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