Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Grown Up Information Update October 14, 2020

 Hello Everybody,

Over the next few weeks, weather dependant, we are going to be experimenting with both indoor and outdoor physical education classes. Please make sure that your student has 3 pairs of shoes every day, their indoor shoes (everybody already has this), their outdoor shoes (unless they come to school barefoot they should already have this), and a pair of gym shoes, incase gym is inside. 

Mrs. Taylor also sent out an email this afternoon with the following information:

As promised, PE is going to be outside as much as possible this fall with appropriate temperatures (-5 or warmer), even in the snow.  That being said, there were many students not dressed for the snowy weather this morning.  Please ensure that your children come with the appropriate outerwear to be outside for 30 minutes to enjoy some PE time.  This may include a winter jacket, snow pants, boots, gloves/mittens, and a hat.  Please be sure to label all belongings.  We want our students to continue to be safe both inside and outside through the next months.

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! 


Miss. Shevchuk

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