Sunday, December 20, 2020

December 18 - Learning Update (Posted on December 20)

Hello Team!

We had a fabulous final week of 2020. Here is our classroom learning update for the week!

Language Arts - This week in language arts we are continuing to learn about letter writing.

Math - We have tackled several different subtraction and addition strategies and continued to practice them this week. 

Science - This week we continued with our Rocks and Minerals unit. We focused on identifying different materials that makeup soil. 

Social Studies - This week we continued working on our unit titled Working Together. The unit focuses on the government structures in Peru, Tunisia, Ukraine and India. This week we looked at Tunisia, Ukraine and India.    

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices.

Mrs. Taylor sent out a very detailed email on Friday, December 18 with some important information regarding general school items, as well as online learning in January. We are going to be online learning in January from January 5 - 8, because Monday, January 4 is a PD day. I look forward to seeing everybody in the new year, even if we have to start out in a virtual manner.

I hope everybody enjoys their winter break! Please stay safe and healthy! 

Miss. Shevchuk

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