Friday, December 4, 2020

December 4, 2020 - Learning Update

Hello Team,

What a great week. Even though it was only 4 days long we still managed to squeeze in a lot of learning. Here is our classroom learning update for the week!

Language Arts - This week in language arts we began learning about letter writing. We have started to write several letters to practice our new skills. 

Math - We finished learning several strategies for completing two-digit subtraction this week. We will apply our new knowledge to three-digit subtraction problems next week.  

Science - This week we continued with our Rocks and Minerals unit. We finished performing several experiments on the rocks to test and see how hard they are, if they are magnetic, what type of streak they leave, and if they have any carbonates in them. 

Social Studies - This week we wrapped up our unit about services in our communities. We will be starting a new unit next week about governments in different countries.   

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices.

Remember to wear your formal uniform on Monday next week. Next week is a full 5 day week and our second last week before winter break. Some other reminders we have for the upcoming weeks include: remembering to order fun lunch by December 12. Our next fun lunch is on December 17. All school library books are going to be collected on December 15 so if you have any extra books from the school at your house, please remember to bring them back to school soon. That is all for today! Stay safe and healthy out there!

Miss. Shevchuk


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