Sunday, November 29, 2020

Homework for the week of November 29 - due on Thursday, December 3!

 Hello Everybody!

This week our homework is going to be due on Thursday, December 3. 

Spelling Tasks: We can recognize and spell words with ore, oar, air, are, and ure patterns. 

Thursday, December 3 will be the day of our next spelling test. The words can be found below:

  1. Read your spelling word list and make sure you understand the meaning of each word.

  2. Write each word on your spelling list using the secret code below. Try your best, I know that some of the symbols are a bit complicated. 

    For example: if your word is soar, you would draw: 

  3. Choose 8 of your spelling words, and write a sentence for each word. Put a circle around the spelling word in the sentence. Try to challenge yourself and see if you can use two words in one sentence. 
Reading Tasks: We can read silently with increasing confidence and accuracy. 
  1. 10 minutes of reading is expected to be completed every night. 

  2. Continue to explore the Epic! reading website at home. 
Math Tasks: We can describe and apply mental mathematics strategies for adding two 2-digit numerals. We can demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers with answers to 1000 (limited to 1-, 2- and 3-digit numerals), concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
  1. Practice some of the addition strategies we have learned in class to solve the following questions. Please show your work. I took off marks last week if you just simply wrote the answer. Use your favourite strategy for the following questions: 

    348 + 434 = ______________

    678 + 233 = ______________

    836 + 12 = _______________

    63 + 38 = ________________

    490 + 211 = ______________

  2. Please solve the following word problems. Show your work and answer with a number sentence, picture and a word sentence. 

As per usual, please let me know if you have any questions, and have a wonderful week!!

Miss. Shevchuk

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