Friday, January 8, 2021

Homework Checklist for Monday, January 11, 2021

 Hello Room 8 Team,

I thought I would post a checklist of homework that was completed during online learning week and is expected to be handed in on Monday morning. I have divided the checklist into the 3 different subjects that were covered. I am not in charge of Phys. Ed., French or Music activities so I am unsure if there is any required homework to submit for those subjects. 

Language Arts:

  • Writing about what you did during Winter Break
  • Rewriting of the "At the Park" story with triple scoop words, senses and similes
  • Rewriting of 4 - 6 sentences from the story "You Be You" using triple scoop words, senses and similes
  • I Am design
Social Studies:
  • Answers for Tunisia page about clothing (we did not have time to finish the food page during class. Students may complete those questions on their own if they would like)
  • Answers for the India pages about clothing and food
  • Either a drawing of your party scene or your party menu
  • Tuesday's 2 word problems solved
  • Wednesday's 2 word problems solved
  • Thursday's 2 word problems solved
  • Friday's 1 word problem solved

If you have questions about any of this, please check all of the online learning posts on the blog. If you still have questions, please feel free to email me. 

Miss. Shevchuk
check box

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