Friday, January 8, 2021

January 8, 2021 - Learning Update

 Happy Friday!

What a wonderful week of online learning! I want to thank all of the students, and their support teams at home for helping and making the week flow so smoothly. The week was very successful and it would not have been possible without all of the amazing work that everyone put in. I can hardly wait to start in-person learning again at Le Roi Daniels on Monday! Below is a recap of the concepts covered during our week of online learning. 

Language Arts - This week in language arts we focused on rewriting "boring" or "basic" stories using our knowledge of triple scoop words, similes and using our senses. We also talked about how unique we all are and created personalized "I am" designs. 

Math - We have tackled several different subtraction and addition word problems this week and also practiced our estimation and number sense skills. 

Science - We opted to teach Social Studies online this week so there is no update for Science. 

Social Studies - This week we reviewed some cultural elements from two of the countries we are studying this year, Tunisia and India. We looked at their traditional clothing and different foods that are eaten in these countries. For our final task students created either a party menu or a party scene focusing on one of the two cultural elements or choosing to look at both. 

Health - We did not cover any Health topics this week. 

That is all for today! I am looking forward to a fun first week back after our Winter Break! Our homework will not begin until Sunday, January 17. I will see everybody in their formal uniform on Monday, January 11. 

Miss. Shevchuk

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