Monday, January 4, 2021

Online Learning Plan for Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Hello, Room 8! 

Below is the plan for our first day of online learning tomorrow. Our day begins early, at 8:00 am. I can hardly wait to see your smiling faces. If you have any questions, please email me, and let me know. 

Literacy Lesson for Tuesday, January 5, at 8:00 am on Google Meets:

✏️Literacy Lesson for Tuesday from 8:00-9:30 on Google Meets



  • I can use a brainstorming web or jot notes and write about the most favourite event/ thing I did during the Winter Holidays.

  • I can follow a rubric and write about the most favourite event/thing I did during the Winter Holiday.

  • I can draw a picture of my most favourite event/thing that I did over the Winter Holiday


🗓Tuesday, January 5 we are going to be talking about our Winter Holiday and sharing our FAVOURITE event/thing we did during the holidays.  You will have a chance to write down your ideas (on a web or jot notes) and then write and draw about your FAVORITE event.  Please have your homework book, pencil and pencil crayons ready.


✅ Checklist


Winter Break Event Checklist:




I can make a web about the most favorite thing I did during the Winter Holiday



I can write 6 – 10 sentences describing this event.



I can include 3-4 triple scoop words



I can use 1-2 similes



I can draw a picture of this event



I can share my writing with one family member




Example of a web you could use to write your ideas:

Social Studies Lesson for Tuesday, January 5, at 10:00 am on Google Meets:

Social Lesson for Tuesday from 10:00 am -11:30 am on Google Meet.


🗓On Tuesday, we are going to be looking at the traditional clothing and food of Tunisia. Students will need their homework notebooks, a pencil and an eraser for the activity. Before the lesson starts I will be posting the readings for the day on the blog. 



  • We can create visual images for a particular purpose.

  • We can demonstrate an awareness of and interest in the beliefs, traditions and customs of groups and communities other than my own.


✅ Checklist:



I can find and underline key words in the text.



I can provide answers based on my reading



Math Lesson for Tuesday, January 5, at 12:30 pm on Google Meets: 

✏️Math Lesson for Tuesday from 12:30 pm -2:00 pm on Google Meets


  • We can efficiently solve addition and subtraction word problems. 

🗓On Tuesday, January 5, in math, we are going to be working on solving addition and subtraction word problems. Students will need their homework books, a pencil and an eraser. They may want to also bring some sort of object to use to help them count i.e. lego pieces, beads. 

✅ Checklist for my word problem:



I can show my understanding using pictures

I can show my understanding using a number sentence.

I can show my understanding using a word sentence. 

I can solve the problem more than one way. 

Looking forward to getting back to learning tomorrow!

Miss. Shevchuk
Bitmoji Image

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