Friday, March 26, 2021

March 26, 2021 - Learning Update

Good Afternoon Everyone!

We had an amazing final week before Spring Break. I was seriously impressed with how hard everyone worked this week. The students should all be very proud of themselves. Here is a recap of the learning activities we completed this week. 

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we completed our shape poems about kindness. Pictures are posted to the blog under "Student Work". They turned out really well. After Spring Break they will be displayed in the library area for the entire month of April. 

Math - This week in Math, we reviewed different things that we have learned so far this year. Patterns, graphing, and number sense were some things we reviewed. 

Science - This week in Science we continued with our Building and Testing Materials unit. Our first challenge was to build a pencil holder for Miss. S's desk that can hold 3 pencils and 1 pair of scissors. We worked on researching some bridges as well this week and also participated in an in-school field trip this morning where we built our own towers.  

Social Studies - This week we continued working on our major Social Studies Cultural Research Project. We will continue to work on the project for the next few weeks. 

Health - In health class, we continued looking at the area of relationships. 

There will be no homework over Spring Break, however, I encourage students to continue to read, use Epic, and go on Mathletics if they would like. Your playground project is also due back to school the week after Spring Break. It would be a great idea to double check that your project looks amazing before you bring it back to Room 8. 

I will see everyone back at school on Tuesday, April 6th. I hope everyone has a fabulous Spring Break. Please be safe and wash your hands. I would hate for anybody to get sick or have to isolate during their time off. 

Miss. Shevchuk

waving with forest critters

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