Sunday, March 21, 2021

Homework for the Week of March 21 - 26th, 2021 - due on Friday, March 26, 20


This week our homework will be due on Friday, March 26! Remember, if you finish it before then, feel free to hand it in early. Friday of this week will be a casual day, we are asking students to wear bright colours to celebrate Holi.  

A lot of students are not completing all of the homework tasks that I have assigned so I would like to remind you to double-check that you have completed all of the tasks for each week before you hand in your homework. I have highlighted tasks that were missed by some people last week. 

Spelling Tasks: We can recognize and spell words with soft "c" (ce, ci, cy) and hard "c" spelling patterns. 

Friday, March 26 will be the day of our next spelling test. The words can be found below.

  1. Read your spelling word list and make sure you understand the meaning of each word.  

  2. Complete 2 of the following activities. You get to choose which ones you complete. 

  3. Choose 10 of your spelling words, and write a sentence for each word. Put a circle around the spelling word in the sentence. Try to challenge yourself and see if you can use two words in one sentence. 
Reading Tasks: We can read silently with increasing confidence and accuracy. 
  1. 20 minutes of reading is expected to be completed every night. 

  2. Write about the genre of the book(s) you are reading. What genre is it and what makes you think that? If it could be more than one genre, which other genres could it be? 
Math Tasks: We can demonstrate an understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  1. Choose 5 problems from each column to solve. You must choose 5 addition problems and 5 subtraction problems. Once you think you have found out what the triangle equals I would like you to put that number back into the equation and check your work just to make sure you are right! 

  2. Write two of your own word problems and solve them. They can use addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. If you need some ideas you can look back at past homework assignments.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and have a wonderful week!

Miss. Shevchuk

peacefully reading

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