Friday, April 9, 2021

April 9, 2021 - Learning Update

Hello, Room 8 Team!

We had a fabulous week back after Spring Break. The playground projects that everyone has brought in are amazing. I have posted photos of the projects on the Student Work page of the blog. Below is our learning update for the week! 

Language Arts - This week in Language Arts we started to work on our story writing. We wrote our first story using a picture prompt. We then set goals for ourselves during our story writing unit. 

Math - This week in Math, we began to learn about fractions. We learned what a numerator, denominator and fraction bar is. We also learned that a numerator number represents the part and the denominator number represents the whole. We will continue with fractions next week. 

- This week in Science we continued with our Building and Testing Materials unit. Our building challenge this week was the build a bridge that had to span at least 30 cm and could support at least 1 textbook. We also spent some time showing everyone in the class our playground projects.    

Social Studies - This week we continued working on our major Social Studies Cultural Research Project. We will continue to work on the project for the next few weeks. 

Health - In health class, we continued looking at the area of relationships.

I will be posting homework this Sunday on the blog. Next week we have two special days to be aware of. If you celebrate Ramadan, you can wear your special clothing on Monday, otherwise, you will be expected to wear your formal uniform. If you celebrate Vaisakhi you can wear your special clothing on Tuesday, otherwise, you will be expected to wear your regular uniform.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and I will see everyone on Monday!

Miss. Shevchuk

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