Friday, May 14, 2021

Learning Tasks for Friday, May 14


  1. Today we are turning back to the skill we practiced earlier this week, visualization. Your task is to create a piece of art where you visualize either the character you created this week, the setting you created this week, or both. You can complete this task in your notebook or on a separate piece of paper. You can use coloured pencil crayons, markers, or whatever other supplies you have at home.

     This task is meant to be a fun wrap-up for the week. Remember to include all of the details you wrote about in your two writing pieces.


  1. Today we are going to be working on pages that have both addition and subtraction problems all mixed together. Some strategies we talked about in class were:

    -Before looking at the question look at the sign
    -Underline or circle the symbolic the question
    -Complete all of the addition questions first and then complete all of the subtraction questions. 

    Try using these when you complete the questions below. You only need to complete one page of questions. Please copy the question and answer into your math notebooks, or you can print off the pages and staple them in. 

 Other Tasks

  1. Remember to submit your homework for the week before you go to bed and check out the FrenchMusic, and Phys. Ed. blogs for extra optional activities. 

    Bitmoji Image

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