Thursday, May 13, 2021

Learning Tasks for Thursday, May 13


  1. Turn the writing you did yesterday into a paragraph. Again, we want to show our audience the setting, not just tell them where it is. The example we did in class is posted below for ideas. Please complete the 5 - 7 sentences in your writing notebook. Please do not write more than 10 sentences about your setting. You do not have to write about all of the questions you answered yesterday, but remember you want to be descriptive without telling us your exact setting. You will show me this task during attendance tomorrow morning.  This is our not very good, boring setting description.:

    The story takes place at the beach.  Below is what we turned it into:

    It was a hot, sunny and windy afternoon. It was about 35 degrees Celsius outside on the sand. I can see birds flying in the sky, the water, starfish and beach toys. I can smell the water and people barbecuing fish far away from me. I can hear people laughing at their friend’s joke-telling, waves crashing, and birds squawking. I was eating my picnic sandwich and accidentally ate some sand. When I went in the water I could feel fish nibbling on my toes and I found a seashell that feels as smooth as leather.

  2. Summarizing means we can retell a story by focusing on the major events that happen in the story. You can summarize a story by using pictures, words, or both. Summarize the story we read today in class The Darkest Dark by Chris Hadfield. You can rewatch the story here. Remember to only focus on the major events in the story and not on every single small detail.


  1. Today we have a miniature rainbow for our math practice! Answer 3 questions of each colour in your math notebook. You must write down the question and the answer. Please show your work (show me your borrowing). 

  2. Solve the following subtraction code word page to figure out the answer to the joke. Please write each question and answer into your math notebook.  

  3. If you would like, write your own subtraction word problem and solve it using pictures, a number sentence and a word sentence. 

 Other Tasks

  1. Remember to keep working on your homework for the week and check out the FrenchMusic, and Phys. Ed. blogs for extra optional activities. 

    space suit reading

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