Monday, May 17, 2021

Learning Tasks for Monday, May 17


  1. In class, we talked about events. Events are things that happen, for example: falling off of your bike. We also brainstormed a list of questions that you could answer about an event. Choose your own event and answer the following questions about it, do not write a story. If you are having trouble coming up with your own event to write about, write about a child accidentally dropping their ice cream cone on the ground. What is your event? How is the person in the event feeling? What did the person see? What did they hear? What did they taste? What did they touch? What did they smell?

    You will show me this task during attendance tomorrow morning. 

  2. On Monday last week, we looked at questions and coming up with good questions to ask. Read the following passage and answer the questions below. Try and come up with 1 other question that you could ask your friend about the reading (You should also be able to answer the question by using the information in the reading).


  1. Choose one of the following jokes to solve. Write the questions and their answers into your math notebook. 

  2. If you would like, write your own multiplication word problem and solve it. 

 Other Tasks

  1. Remember to keep working on your homework for the week and check out the FrenchMusic, and Phys. Ed. blogs for extra optional activities. 

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