Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Learning Tasks for Tuesday, May 18


  1. In class, we talked about events. Events are things that happen, for example: falling off of your bike. We also brainstormed a list of questions that you could answer about an event. We are now going to turn the questions that we answered yesterday into a paragraph. The example we completed in class is below.

    You will show me this task during attendance tomorrow morning. 

  2. Last week on Thursday, we discussed summarizing. Summarizing is when you talk about the main events or the most important things that happen in a story or a section of text. Summarize the reading below in your writing notebook. 


    1. How are multiplication and division different? How are they the same? Try and come up with one thing that could answer each question and write that down in your math notebook. Try and think back to the conversation we had during our virtual meeting.

    2. Choose one of the following jokes to solve. Write the questions and their answers into your math notebook. If you need, please use a strategy. For these ones, you need to pay attention to the colours!!!

    3. If you would like, write your own division word problem and solve it. 
    4. If you would like to play division boom cards with your family you can click here. Make sure that you have clicked on flashcard mode and you have shuffled the cards. 

     Other Tasks

    1. Remember to keep working on your homework for the week and check out the FrenchMusic, and Phys. Ed. blogs for extra optional activities. 


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