Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Learning Tasks for Wednesday, May 19

Reminder: Tomorrow is pyjama day or crazy hair day if you would like to participate!


  1. Today in class we discussed how triple scoop words can make our writing more exciting. We also learned how to use Word Hippo to help us find triple scoop words. Copy the following sentences into your notebook and make them more exciting using triple scoop words that you found on Word Hippo. An example has been done for you. 

    Example: My friend is acting mean.  -------> My friend is acting selfish because they had a bad day.

    I saw a really big tower. 

    I fell down. 

    He was mean to me. 

    I am happy.

    I went in the car. 

    I saw a bird. 

    I am moving houses. 

    I was sad. 

    I am very mad. 

    I am bored.

  2. Use the "Definition" tab on Word Hippo and look up what the following words mean. They are all words that are important for our hearing and sound unit in Science. You do not have to look up a word if you remember what the definition is from class or from earlier this week. 


    1. Write the name of the following fractions. 

    2. Draw the following fractions 1 or 2 ways. 

    3. Compare the following fractions using these symbols: <, >, or =. 

    4. Write a paragraph about the group of cats below. Include 3 - 5 fractions in your writing. There are 10 cats in the picture altogether. 

    5. If you would like, create a word problem that uses fractions. Solve it. 

      You will show me these tasks during attendance tomorrow morning. 

     Other Tasks

    1. Remember to keep working on your homework for the week and check out the FrenchMusic, and Phys. Ed. blogs for extra optional activities. 

      Bitmoji Image

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