Thursday, May 6, 2021

Online Learning Beginning Friday, May 7 until Monday, May 24

Hi Everyone!

We are feeling good about another (hopefully) short round of online learning here in Room 8. I was wanting to repost some communications that I have received so that everyone is on the same page when we start tomorrow. 

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the Google Meetings will operate as follows:

1 Meet at 8:30 am until about 9:30 am

1 Meet from 12:30 pm until about 1:30 pm

There will be a non-mandatory drop-in meet from 10:30 - 11:30 am every day for students who have questions or would like help with assignments. 

Every Friday the Google Meetings will operate as follows:

1 Meet at 8:30 am until about 9:30 am

1 Meet from 10:30 am until about 11:30 am

There will be no drop-in session on Friday. 

The focus for these online learning sessions will be Literacy and Numeracy. Tomorrow, Friday, May 7 will be a test day and there will only be one meeting at 8:30 am for a check-in. 


I will be sending students home with their writing notebooks, math notebooks and pencil cases. In some cases, students will bring home a third blank notebook if I feel like they may need more paper or room to write things for their online learning. These supplies will need to be returned to school when we return on Tuesday, May 25. They should also have their blue piece of paper that contains their email address, password and the name of the classroom meet. 

Lesson Plans:

Every Sunday I will be posting on the blog about the plan for the week. The first week of online learning will consist of 5 days of lessons, while the second week will only consist of 4 days of lessons. Friday, May 21 is a Professional Development Day and there will be no online lessons. I will be writing on each post and informing students during each lesson, about how I would like them to submit the tasks that they are working on. Most of the time I would like them to be photographed and emailed to me. 


I will be using this blog as the main form for posting lessons, assignments and tasks. I can be reached through email, and I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible. 

These next two weeks are going to be great. I can hardly wait to see everyone in our temporary online classroom. If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to help. 

Thank you,

Miss. Shevchuk

laptop wave

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