Friday, November 27, 2020

November 27 - Learning Update

 Hello Team,

What a fabulous week! I for one, am very glad that Mr. Kenney has allowed us to continue our in-person learning until our winter break. There will be more news and information to come about this from Mrs. Taylor so remember to check your e-mail inboxes.

One major event that happened this week involves our class helping to create the school's first character assembly of the year. Our assembly revolves around the story Be You by Peter H. Reynolds. If you are interested you can find a link to the story read by the author himself here. The link to our virtual assembly was emailed to you earlier this week. 

Here is our classroom learning update for the week!

Language Arts - This week in language arts we focused on similes. We practiced writing similes and created writing pieces about our dream dessert using similes, triple scoop words, and our 5 senses. 

Math - We finished learning several strategies for completing two-digit addition this week. We began to apply our skills and knowledge to three-digit addition.  

Science - This week we continued with our Rocks and Minerals unit. We performed several experiments on the rocks to test and see how hard they are, if they are magnetic, what type of streak they leave, and if they have any carbonates in them. We will continue with our experimenting on the rocks next week as well. 

Social Studies - This week we continued learning about services in our communities. We are almost done creating our community service maps.  

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices.

Remember to wear your formal uniform on Monday next week. Next week is also another short week, with no school for students on Friday, December 4. Have a lovely weekend, stay safe out there! 

Miss. Shevchuk

wear your mask

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