Friday, November 13, 2020

November 13 - Learning Update

 Hello Le Roi Daniels,

I will begin posting learning updates on the last day of every week to keep you updated as to what we have been learning in our busy classroom. 

Although it may be dreary, grey and gloomy outside, at Le Roi Daniels we always cheerful and full of brightness. On Monday, November 16, we are going to bring colour and joy to our school by having a casual day where students can wear ANY colour of the rainbow.

This is one way to show our joy and remember we have a “ RAINBOW OF POSSIBILITIES” in our school. Be as creative as you would like! I can hardly wait to see what people wear to school. 

Language Arts - We have been focusing on questions, question words, surface, deep questions, and different question formats. We have been working on creating our own quiz about the short story "The King's Taster", which we finished this week and were able to quiz our friends in the class. 

Math - We have been working on estimating this week. We have also been working with Mrs. Hull twice a week on math centres, focusing on number sense. Next week we hope to move on to two-digit addition. 

Science - This week in science, we wrapped up our first unit of the year, Animal Life Cycles. Next week we will begin learning about Rocks and Minerals. 

Social Studies - This week we began learning about services in our communities. The students have been tasked with a chapter-long project that involves them creating a map of a made-up community that would provide a "good quality of life" for its residents. We will continue to work on this unit for the next two weeks. 

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices. This week we investigated unique body characteristics. 

This week we also looked at Remembrance Day and Diwali. We created a beautiful Remembrance Day bulletin board which can be seen on the Student's Work page of the blog. We also partook in the creation of the Remembrance Day assembly. For Diwali, we created several masterpieces to help celebrate the festival. Some of these will remain on display in the classroom for another week or two. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss. Shevchuk

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