Friday, November 20, 2020

November 19 - Learning Update

Hello Team,

What a fun short week we had here in Room 8. Here is our learning update for the week! 

Language Arts - We have been continuing our work with questions, but transferring our knowledge to focus on this month's character book Dylan's Questions. This week we completed a collaborative team project based on the book. 

Math - We learned several new strategies for completing two-digit addition this week. Next week we will look at applying these strategies to three-digit addition. 

Science - This week we began our Rocks and Minerals unit. We took a look at describing objects and then transferred these skills to some of the cool rocks in our classroom.  I was finally able to get a good picture of our new class pet (our mealworms turned into darkling beetles) and I have posted it below. 

Social Studies - This week we continued learning about services in our communities. 

Health - In health class, we continue to look at the area of wellness choices.

Remember to wear your formal uniform on Monday next week, and be ready for a full 5 days of Grade 3 fun! Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss. Shevchuk

wall burst

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