Monday, May 10, 2021

Learning Tasks for Monday, May 10


  1. Open the book What is Hearing? on Epic. Before listening/reading the book, write down one question you have. While listening/reading, write down another question you have. Finally, at the end of the book write down a question that you still may have that was not answered in the book. You should have 3 questions altogether. Please take a picture of this task and email it to Miss. Shevchuk by the end of the day. 

  2. Choose a character scene from this video and describe how the character is feeling. DO NOT just tell me how they are feeling. You must write one paragraph (5 sentences) using the show, don't tell strategies that we reviewed in class.


  1. Create a bar graph using the following data. Remember to include all labels, titles, and to colour neatly. After you have created your graph, tell me at least 3 facts about your graph. Please do not write more than one page of facts!

 Other Tasks

  1. Remember to keep working on your homework for the week and check out the French, Music, and Phys. Ed. blogs for extra optional activities. 

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