Sunday, May 9, 2021

Online Learning for May 10 - 14

Hello Everyone! 

First, I would like to say Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers of Room 8. I hope you have a fabulous day and enjoy your gift (I would wait until it gets a bit warmer to plant it).

Virtual learning is upon us again. I know that we all rocked it last time, so this time should be just as awesome. I was asked to post a plan for the week every Sunday that we are completing online learning. This post contains the plan for the week if you click here. Below is a picture snapshot of the weekly plan. 

After every lesson, I will be adding anything the students might need to help them complete their work to the blog. I will create one blog post for every day, that way there is not too much going on on the blog. 

Please check out my previous post for our homework for this week and the instructions involved in that. 

I will see everyone tomorrow at 8:30 am for our first meeting of the day. If you have any questions or comments, please email me.

Miss. Shevchuk

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