Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Learning Tasks for Tuesday, May 11


  1. Create your own character and describe how your character is feeling. DO NOT just tell me how they are feeling. You must write one paragraph (5 sentences) using the show, don't tell strategies that we reviewed in class. You can also draw a quick sketch of your character if you would like, however, we will be doing this in more detail on Friday.

  2. Read the following passage and draw a quick sketch of what you visualize when you read it. Label any details. 


  1. Find at least 10 different 2-D shapes around your house. Sketch them into your math notebook and label where you found them and what item they are (i.e. I can find a TV in my Living Room and it is a rectangle). Once you have found and sketched your shapes, sort them 1 or 2 ways using some of the strategies we discussed in class. The chart below might help you name some of your polygons. 

    You will show me this task during attendance tomorrow morning. 

 Other Tasks

  1. Remember to keep working on your homework for the week and check out the FrenchMusic, and Phys. Ed. blogs for extra optional activities. 

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